Saturday, February 28, 2009

Last weekend at the beach house...

Started the day off right with a little favorite....

It's addicting, trust me once you taste my guac you'll never go back...

Our hotel room...

...Our private deck...this hotel is owned by a brazillian man with quite a funky theme...

...The sky is beautiful today out on our deck...

...My poolside spot looking toward our little sunken cabana...

...This place is so funky...I liked it...

...I've fallen on a beach chair and can't get up...don't send for help,
but do send the waiter around will you?

...Its a prime surf weekend, the waves are good and there's a buzz around this place...

....A little art and wine go hand in hand...

...Like I said, this place has quite a funky theme...

...Kama Sutra wall...interesting, very interesting...

...The painted sky above the palm trees...

...Just sitting here wrapped in my book while little pudgers goes waddling around with his floaties...he was too funny...

Art sculpture by the pool & beach wrap blowing in the breeze...

...Front view of the hotel, very pretty...

...Danny's happy face, he's back from a great surf session with his new best friend, the G & S...

...Steps toward our cabana...

...The beautiful vines growing on the hotel walls...

...Our little version of footsteps in the sand...

...Danny scoping out the others surfing...

...There goes the sun...

...It was just too beautiful to not snap a couple shots...It's amazing to me that this is the same big ocean that everyone else is gazing at in San Diego, I'm just a lot further south...

...The fun doesn't stop here, we go out to have a few more fun memories with friends...

...Danny is quite the dancing queen...

...Lucky strike seems to have taken over the bar scene here and it shows...all over the walls... and in the smokey atmosphere...

...View of the crowd...

...The colorful bar, so spicy...
...It's crazy here, the bottle service means you by a bottle for $50 bucks and carry it around with you until you and your buddys drink it all gone and are so hammered you can't see straight...this not only seems outrageously dangerous to me but just plain backwards...there were bottles everywhere...
...this would never fly in San Diego, where it's a 2 bottle, $200 minimum booth service, high end ordeal...a more booze controlled environment...they would never just hand out bottles by the truck people can wreak havoc from 12 pm to 6am if they wish....and most people do...
...also, forget ordering a vodka soda at the bar, they've never heard of it, it will take 45 minutes, and you'll get some different concoction every time...
...last time we got Tang...TANG!
...Yes, the powdered mixture orange drink...good times...
....this is where the night ends...tomorrow we are riding up the coast to see the northern beaches...can't wait to see what awaits us up there...

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