Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dia Tres

Our walking tour in San Ysidro

Restaurant we passed in the ovalo de Miraflores...

Looking at the wine bar in Huaca Pucallana

Restaurant in front of the ruins...

Olive tree in the middle of the bar...

Looking at the main face of the temple

Ruins are found in the heart of San Ysidro with houses and hotels built up all around it...They have found other sections of the temple jutting through the town and have just begun excavating in the 90's....

Standing on top of the temple, said to be a sacrificial location of fertility where they would offer up women to the gods that were said to be fertile because they had already had children...Among the ruins they have exacavated the remains of a pregnent women and a woman with her child...

Looking down from the tower at the stacked mud bricks...

The bricks are stacked like tiles to make it bend and act like a waffle to absorb earthquakes....
Peruvian hairless dog... His skin was like a hippopotomus', really rubbery and course with sprouts of thick wirery hair, wierd! He liked me and thought I was playing so he continued to naw on my arm, which I got the benefit of realizing he had no teeth and it felt like grandpa was chewing on me...
After I stood up he still wanted to play and hooked his paw on my skirt, it was just like the coppertone ad and everyone had a good laugh, luckily I didn't loose any clothing...

Danny makes me do hard labor to pay my way through each town...

The lone cactus, you can see the layers of mud bricks behind...

Restaraunt we stopped at outside the ruins called Tabla, I was in love!!

The bar...dos cervezas por favor!

The menu, if your hungry the writing is on the wall...

The backroom wine bar, the server took me back there when he saw me getting excited and taking pictures all over the restaurant, neato...

Wine room for private parties, had a huge teal blue chandelier and a farm table but I couldn't get a good picture of the whole room...

Hummus with pita and shrimp stuffed fish with black bean risotto and a coconut froth...

Danny waiting for his cerveza...they give you flatbread chips with sundried tomato, sesame and poppy seeds (their version of bread and butter or chips and salsa)

Third cerveza of the trip!

Miraflores at night looking out from Tom and Jessica's...

The wonderful ovalo at night...

Walking up the steps to the patio, best spot in the house...
So pretty up here at night, it's nice to have friends in high places...

Fresh sundried laundry...

Plant ledge on the second floor leading up to the top deck....

Our bedroom, ahhh.... good night for now...

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