Friday, February 20, 2009

Day....i dunno anymore...

I am pretty sure we are at day 13...

....though that's kind of the benefit of traveling, forgetting time and allowing it to all just happen...

(side note...that's would be me talking of course, not Danny...oooh, Danny KNOWS what day, time, and lunar location we are at...and forget which side of the Equator...he knows where we are going is aproximary 500 kilometer away...

...but that's what I like about him even more...I don't have to plan, just show up happy, with my latte, and ready to go...

...had you fooled didn't I...okay sometimes it's more difficult than that...I don't exactly qualify for the position of "morning person"...but for a trip like this I'd wake up anytime...)

This exact knowledge Danny possess actually kept us from missing our flight...

...thank god this wasn't our plane...

...when we landed there were two burned out wreckages that slightly resembled planes in the grass left to rot...really reassuring!!...

...Our view from the plane...the Amazon river...

...Danny tried getting out of wearing the vest...sucker!!!

I couldn't believe these houses could exist...floating on dilapidated sinking docks...the people have to replace the wood buoy's that support the homes every 8 years...

A curious little girl popped out to see us...I love this photo...probably one of my favorites from the whole trip... creak and bob as we passed by...
...old abandoned ships have also been turned into their own little bobbing homes as well...
...some homes weren't even that sophisticated...made mearly out of palm thatched tents popped up like open tents...

...Our thatched roof ride...
...Anyone lost a log??

...Pieces of drift wood like this floated along throughout the river...

...We're off to the Cumaceba lodge...a thirty minute boat road up the river...

...definitely worth the's the most amasing place...

...Home along the river...almost disapears in a sea of trees...

...Off the boat, here we go along our covered canopy that winds toward the lodge...

...We walked into the main room of the lodge and were greated by a massive thatched roof with beautiful skylights...
...A long ride and we were starved...

...just a few fresh bananas, rice, avocado, catfish and palm shavings...yum!!!

...Ok, so not quite like the food on the rest of our trip, but good...

...Danny liked the shavings and ate it up like it was coleslaw...I did not...

...I thought it tasted like sour salad...

The view from our room...I'll be doing some reading here later...
...can't blog from here, sorry!!...looks like you'll all have to wait till we get back...

...Although...our guides cell phone works great!...only because there is a police location nearby with a cell tower...otherwise, we are pretty remote out here...

....Danny thought it was hilarious when Walter pulled out his cell phone in the middle of the jungle when we can't even get good reception in our place in mission beach...go figure...

...Fresh towels on the bed...
...I wondered out to take a pic of the walkway as it started to drizzle...

... They leave kerosene lamps by your door and light them at night... reminded me of when we were girls and the power went sister and I were so scared in our little house on Twin Oakes...although it seemed massive to us at the time...we screamed for our dad, who came and got us...

...he collects a bunch of kerosene lamps and lit them all in the house, then took us out with one to the red painted concrete landing at our front door...

...we looked up at the sky and the sparkling happened to be a full moon and it made us feel so of the greatest memories I have of my dad...

...anywhoo...Danny is at home in his new hut...

...The huts are raised because the water levels change so much here...

...if you forget your rainboots they rent them to you for 10 soles (a little over a dollar, for your whole stay)...they were strewn about all the you can see the hammock deck relaxing!!!

...Just outside our room, it really is a jungle out there...

...I know, I know but I just can't stop with funny tag lines...

...View of all the connecting decks toward the main lodge...

...a little nap in the hammock anyone?

...Our tour guide, Walter...hi Walter!!! Hope you're checking out our blog!
...As soon as we got there he quickly squirmed out of his official polo and khakis and climbed into a cutoff shirt and jean shorts, he's uniform for the rest of our trip...

...we could tell he was completely in his element in the Amazon...and us to yuppies were definitely not...

...We're off to Monkey favorite place in the world...

...I was so ecstatic I could barely wait to hold him...I've waited my whole life to experience something like was so amazingly cool I can't even describe it to you...

...One of the happiest moments of my life...'s going to be hard to top this with any wedding day or honeymoon or any of those other things girls in pink frilly dresses daydream about when their 8 years was truely an ultimate chance of a lifetime and I couldn't believe it was actually happening... about a tear jerker...

...I know all you ladies are jealous, but sorry he's taken...

...watching this little wooly monkey bond with Danny was the most precious thing ever...

...wasn't sure about this guy...

...he had his own agenda and used me like his tree...

...climbing all over me like a jungle gym...

...he warmed up to me quick though, faling into my arms like a little rocking baby...

...and he was putty in my arms...nibbling on his little piece of banana...

.....This is my little friend cappuccino...

...He's just a little one...they save these animals from the black market...

...they are super friendly with people, treating them like their moms and pops...

...there are no walls to keep them in, they want to stay here with these people, their protectors..., there are bananas galore...

...At night, the monkeys are always knocking on the peoples' cabin...

...trying to get in and snuggle with them...

...the people tried to buid the monkey's their own shelter, but all they wanted was to be with their parents...

...I would have let them all cuddle with me...our little Jane of the Jungle...

...Our new family portrait...

kinkaju in action...
...Adam, we're getting a monkey, yes!!

more monkey action...
...Toucan and Jane...

ahhhh snakes....

...Danny playing with snakes...kissy, kissy...
...say cheese!!!!

...okay okay, get it off me now!!! you got your photo...

...python Leeewwy!

...Let's try some anaconda venom...or some local Amazon rum...or perhaps a little dragon blood for your bug bites, rub it in and it turns creamy like calamine lotion...

...Me and cappuccinno still hanging out...he wanted to drink some sugar cane they squeezed for me, I let him have some, I'm such a sap...

...I was so giddy I hardly even noticed the thousand of little white fly chewing away at my legs...when I looked down I saw the over 300 little chew marks between where my rain boots and my capri yoga pants left a small section for their demise...
...I'm not allergic to much in this life, except ants, the little bugger flies, and wasps, lucky me...

but it was worth it...

...Danny is a happy camper...he wanted to put him in our back pack...

....see told you we are getting a monkey, Adam!!!

...The sky out on the river as the sun goes down...

...Time to wash off and take a dip in the waters...

...a little swim with the piranas and anacondas...bright idea Walter...

Danny jumped in...I went in the old fashioned way...

...Back home after such an amazing experience...

...I'm ready to relax a bit on the hammocks and further examine my bite marks...

...I wouldn't trade this experience in the world, just wish I wore longer pants...

...maybe then my bite marks, now of which are big large welts and mounds of pink and purple... would at least drop from the approximately 400 bites, a much lower 60, composed of mosquito welts...

...those damn flies account for the most of the damage...

...and don't worry mom...luckily I packed my benadryl...

...not much else I can do about it until I get back to the city...

...Here is the decks at night, lit be citronella burning candles....

...being serenaded at night...
...Dinner by kerosene in the main lodge...

...The bar off the main accounts for some 20 more bugs bites I got on my feet...

...Probably shouldn't have worn flip flops to dinner...

...but I beer always helps soothe the pain and help you sleep a littler better...

...Walter calls this his pet, nice pet Walter...this guy hangs out on the dock above you before you load into the canoe for a night ride to hunt for things that go creep and crawl in the night...including alligators in the pond...

...Just a little midnight stroll on the canoe...

...we saw froggies...

...can you spot this one?....

....Oh and yes, spiders, tons of them alongside the canoe...
...just staring at you ready to pounce if you move...They look narly to me, that's all I can tell you.
...Sure Walter told us their american names, peruvian names
and that they were extremely poisionous,
...but all I needed to hear was poisionous and I couldn't tell you the difference between
one al-ah-goree freek-y-idus and the next...
..I wanted off that canoe...

...meanwhile Danny thought it was the coolest thing ever...


...Sleep tight!! See you tomorrow!!!

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